Friday 5 May 2017

Evaluation Question 6

What kind of media institution of publisher might distribute your product and why?

The magazine that I have created is based off of most other Hip Hop magazines such as Vibe. However the only issue that I think my media product might have is that it features more teenagers well only teenagers rather than middle aged men with gold chains galore written all over it.

My magazine isn't necessarily demographic but similar as it isn't as well known as certain mainstream magazines however it is evident that it is there and I believe that teenagers know about it rather than people that are much older avoiding the idea of it being a niche audience. So I do believe that companies like Vibe and The Source would be publish my magazine to enable them to gather a larger audience than just middle aged men which in turn would increase there popularity amongst other magazines.

With most of the magazines that I have seen since they are well known and popular can afford to seem there product  at prices that would seem ridiculous to any other random magazine. Some Vibe magazines that I have seen sell there product at £5 or even £7.99 however due to my product being no where near that market range I will sell it for 99p and due to this I can start of small and most likely try and work my way up.

In order to make my magazine diverse and not just on paper knowing that my audience is mostly  teenagers and social media is a big thing I will be having my product on different formats enabling myself to have a larger audience. Due to this I can essentially benefit from all areas of the fragmented audience that I will be facing whether it be on social media or as an actual magazine.

Due to this I will be enabling a type of cooperation between my magazine and the social media format of creating  form of technological convergence between the two individual different platforms (Convergence) by doing this I wont just be reliant on one technological format of attracting my audience.

The audience that I have for my targeted audience is very big as it is not segregating my audience in to small categories apart from the age range other than that it is open to all and that's why I think Vibe would distribute my product as it stands out and means something to the public. Furthermore the initial concept of having a teenage music magazine will help attract a larger audience as its something new and it could create a buzz around the magazine essentially making  it go viral.

The initial problem with my magazine is that I wouldn't be sure whether or no it would attract the audience that I'm trying to get, as there is always the possibility that I have portrayed the teenage audience in a bad way and that it wont allow me get the audience that and therefore will make me underachieve. This could be a reason for why this media institution of publisher may reject my product and look elsewhere if I haven't represented the social group correctly therefore it becoming subverted.

However if I have portrayed the social groups I want correctly and also attract an audience along with it there isn't a necessary reason for them to not publish my magazine other than it not suiting the targeted audience that they initially have in mind. What I mean by this is that the targeted audience that I have in mind for my magazine is teen friendly and the content inside of it is the same and therefore doesn't really contain any graphic content that most people wouldn't be okay with.

However looking at the target audience for Vibe there magazine is mainly focused on middle aged men and are made to suite that demographic rather than the audience that I am making my magazine for therefore making it difficult for me to try and get them to produce my magazine product.

Unfortunately media institutions like XXL wouldn't want to publish my magazine due to the demographic being so much more different and would leave my magazine in a complacent state and not attracting any form of audience due to it being outshined and being surrounded by a niche audience that already have a taste for a much different take on Hip hop magazines rather than mine which is new and upcoming.

Evaluation question 7

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation question 5

Saturday 29 April 2017

Evaluation Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The reason why I have used teenagers in my magazine is that it enables me to connect with social groups that I would not necessarily have been able to with using the traditional conventions of having a middle aged muscular man with gold chains and rings all over. By coming away from that concept of the traditional basis of a rap magazine it allows me to convey conventions and concepts of the way my product can represent particular social groups.

The model on the main image has a trending hair cut where the sides are cut low and has a moderate amount of hair on the top. Conveying the youthful fashion sense that they have straying away from the normal trim or haircut that people would normally get at a barbers conveying rebellion against the common norms and trends that society have and want to stray away from it and be their own person.

My model is also wearing a designer t-shirt which is Gucci which also conveys uses and gratifications that young social groups have when it comes to the way that they are represented within their outward appearance. Having  designer clothes enables them to feel a sense of power and superiority over everyone else due to them having something other people don't. Along with that the colour of the shirt is purple which has colour connotations of royalty, luxury, power, ambition and wealth which synergizes well with how my media product represents particular social groups and the
 concept of the designer shirt along with my model wearing a fur coat as they convey aristocracy and social class.

Looking at my media product particular social groups will be able to identify that the model is someone similar to them and that the individual has somewhat similar values and aspirations as them allowing the audience to be able to connect and be subsequently engaged with it representing the norms and values that they have through my product.

My magazine appeals to particular social groups by allowing the readers to have a grasp of the information and the trends that are trending. Through this knowledge it enables the readers to have a sense of security by them finding out about relevant events and conventions that are up to date and them staying well informed which is a sense of self education, by them being able to perceive what is on a magazine and relate it practically to their own life towards the decisions and choices that they make.

Readers also get a sense of entertainment which teenage social groups can also relate to such as emotional release or sexual arousal and also a form of escapism while reading through my media product. Looking at the main image and the other models in my magazine, just by looking at them from a point of view most people would not be able to tell that they are teenagers by the way that they dress and the intimidating looks that some of them have which conveys the way in which how certain individuals want to be portrayed and how my magazine product can represent the different types of social groups.

My product also represents the way that particular social groups trying convey the extent of a lack social interaction that teenage social groups have and the way that they find alternative ways to interact with the world. Furthermore looking at the conventional concepts that are in my magazine it enables it to use the concepts to mirror the original design concepts of having a magazine while converting it into something new essentially having a new take on it, which represents how the particular social groups like to follow the basic guidelines and principles of what other people go by but also by having here little take on how they could improve it.

Looking at my product and the model that I have used for it subverts dominant ideology in the sense of the age range and the way that my model is trying to present himself as intimidating on the front cover. The model is quite young however has an almost condescending look towards the audience representing the way in which teenagers are seen by society as those who seem to be obnoxious.

The ethnicity of my model is Asian which also subverts the initial design concept of having a hip hop magazine. Ethnicity plays a big part in the way that my media product represents social groups as teenagers nowadays are fragmented in the way that they perceive themselves in actuality in relation towards other social groups. In society depending on your ethnicity teenagers believe that you can either become relevant or irrelevant due to the stereotypes that come with your ethnicity. For example most people make fun of Asians due to the way that they talk and have a less amount of respect towards them whereas a white individual would most likely grab some level of respect.

My media product represents teenagers as the model is of a ethnicity that wouldn't generally be seen in a hip hop magazine never the less as a dominant character inside of it. Showing the way in teenagers believe they have to represent themselves as strong and intimidating to gain some level of respect in society.