Wednesday 15 March 2017

Remaking my front cover photo

While constructing my front cover this was going to be the initial design that I was going to use as it followed the conventions of the genre of the magazine that I have been researching, with the front cover photo being a close up or an extreme close but some of them with medium shots.

As you can see with the image present the mast head for my magazine which is R2G doesn't necessarily have anything wrong with it however, the typography that I have used to match the image along with the rest of my magazine doesn't fit in with the whole hip hop genre.

Looking back over my magazines that I have researched I have noticed that the mast head of my magazine isn't really the same as other magazines. What I mean by this is that looking at Vibe magazines every single letter in the magazine is in capitals and is in bold and big and chunky which really allows it stand out whereas my mast head looks quite misplaced.

Along with my mast head the image that I have used is heavily edited which I have just noticed while constructing the front cover. The individual that I have used looks too flushed as there is a lot of brightness and colour contrasting that I have implemented onto him while using photo shop. Due to this I have begun to re-do the main image and try and keep it as close to the original shot when I first took the picture.

With this experience I have learnt that generally not everything has to be edited to the extent where it looses what it already has.

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