Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Time table for improvement on my subjects and time management

During my lesson today I was able to create a time table to improve the amount   of work I put in throughout the course of my week. By doing this I will be able to meet deadlines more efficiently and this will also help me to Focus down on subjects that I have been struggling with and also be able to tally up any missed sessions and how I can make up for those missed sesssions

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Start of the criteria Grid

During my lesson I was given the task of creating a criteria grid with some of the information that I had gathered over a period of time about what necessary conventions that I would need to have in my own magazine. The main conventions that I have had pop up constantly were the ones that are present. Based on my results I decided to circle out a few of the main things that I will indefinitely need for my magazine as I find this to be most affective and its also common to have these conventions in a magazine, e.g. mast head barcode main image Double page spread. I wouldn't really be able to call it a magazine if I didn't necessarily have these conventions present within it. 

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Trading magazines with peers

Over the week I was able to swop magazines with one of my peers which I found incredibly useful as it enabled me to save money but also I have a vast range of options with my peers and the different genres of magazines that they have. Some have rock magazines some have Jazz magazines and some don't.  I know that music magazines aren't generally a popular thing right now so it sort of hard to come across them but by exchanging magazines with peers I find it quite useful.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Small issue that i had over the past couple of days

Over the past couple of days I forgot the password for my Gmail account which resulted in me not being able to publish any work. 4 days ago after contacting Google and getting in contact with their Team I was able to recover my account. Once I did recover my account I then tried to upload the shots of the magazines that I had taken of the front cover contents page double page spread but I didn't realize that everything was on HTML so that it wouldn't come up as an the image. Once speaking to my peers Sam Williams he helped me to recover my images back to Compose format which then resulted in me being able to get the images back but there are still some difficulties that I have had trying to get the analysis's done.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

My survey analysis

The responses from my survey

Today I was able to complete my survey and get my responses. I had a peer stand next to me and hold my surveys and by doing this I thought that it would be better if I was able to prove that I actually went out and found people to complete my survey rather than forging my results and faking anything that I had presumably gotten.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Another new magazine

This is also another magazine that I was able to trade with my peers to obtain

New magazine-for my analysis

At my college today I was able to swop magazines with one my peers and this is the next magazine I will be analyzing.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

The people that i surveyed

The people that I had to survey were people in my form class family members and also people that live along my road and also people that I know on facebook. This gave me a wide range of age ranges which I felt was quite resourceful to my results.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Survey results

 I have finished my survey and that I have most of my results, however I am just currently waiting for my questionnaires back as I went with the paper back method. The reason as to why I went with the paper back method is that at the current time I was creating my survey when I pressed complete it wanted to me to pay a weekly/monthly fund to use the website for some strange reason and I wasn't sure that it was going to let me be able to use it. Due to the circumstances I went with the paper back method which I thought was a good counter measure for a situation like this.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

The survey that i am going to be making

In a matter of time I will be making a survey that I will be publishing and sending out online to multiple different platforms to get the best results that I can to ensure that I well detailed information that I can use for my main task.

The platforms that I will be using consist of :  Whatsapp Facebook Snapchat and Survey monkey where I will be making my survey and publishing it.

The audience that I will be trying to attract while doing all of this will be a an audience from the age range of 16 to 23 year olds. The reason why I have picked this age range along with the platforms of social media that I will be using is because that on Facebook I have a large number of friends that stem from these age ranges so I think that it will be useful if I made usage of the accessories that I currently have.

Furthermore I will be asking specific questions about what they like about magazines and what types of colour schemes they like. Along with this I know that some people don't like to use internet and don't really like to answer surveys as they may find this as a waste of their time so I may have to use the paperback technique where I print out copies of my survey and hadn them out to people or classrooms and tutor groups to get them done by hand which is time consuming but is a more reliable way of doing it and a less riskful measure.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Front cover analysis Jass wise

The front cover of this magazine features the main page of a man holding two instruments. This man seems to be in a very challenging stance as his arms are crossed while looking down at the camera that was being shot and through perspective may be seen to be quite intimidating. The main image is also placed above mast head which could be interpreted as this man being more important than the initial magazine name. This man is mainly dressed in black but also has a green jacket on him. Black has connotations of power and authority which also reinforces the way that they have tried to convey the way he is looking at the readers.

Further on the subtexts that go along the sides of the front cover feature names of individuals in bold letters which stand out rather than the rest of the text. With each name it shows how important they are while also attracting the attention of people who walk past. The colour scheme for this magazine is shown to be black a dark shade of yellow or orange and a dark silverish background, seeing this looking at the colour connotations that are present it really reinforces the idea of the passion power and authority that this magazine is trying to convey to the readers. At the bottom left hand corner of the magazine there is a Plus section which features 3 more names that didn't really make it to the front cover which could essentially mean that they aren't as important as the other names that are present.

Also on the front cover there is a image of a red circle which features additional information inside it telling viewers what is actually on the inside of the magazine which is extremely good as it enables people to also get a bit more out of buying this magazine rather than buying any other random magazine because there are additional instalments inside of it. Most magazines do have a section where it says that on the inside find out about the story of so and so but with this magazine it is so much more noticeable than other magazines as it is displayed in line of sight and in bright red which is great for catching the eyes of the audiences.

The front cover sticks to the main conventions of a front cover of a magazine with the barcode being in the bottom right hand corner along with text above the mast head which is a common concept that magazines use but i never really understood why they would do that.

In conclusion i think the front cover of this magazine is actually quite detailed in the way it has been presented and also the way that the initial design of it has remained the same with other designs of front covers.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Interview/Double page spread

Looking through my magazine i wasn't able to see if there was any double pages and i thought that this may have been it but i wasn't sure so i went ahead and evaluated it anyway just to be safe.
Looking at this page there is alot of content on one side explaining information about who this man is and why he has his own page as of such. The colour scheme for this page seems to be quite different from the rest of the magazine and especially different from the contents page in such of its content.

The colour scheme seems to have changed from Yellow white and black to red white and black. I'm not sure why this is so but it may be a personal request from this man but I'm not too sure. At the time i was taking notes about it i wanted to understand why he would want o change the colour for yellow to red so i took some time to actually research more about the colour red and what i found is that the colour red has alot to do with passion and love. After seeing this i understood why this man may have wanted to change the colour to yellow.

It is shown in the image on the left of this man playing his instrument I'm not sure if it is a saxophone or trumpet but its shown here and it is also shown with a red box underneath it, it may show that this man is passionate about his work and also what meaning that this instrument has to him.

This page has the basic design where it shows the title one image surrounded by information and also having the section of text start with a drop capital. furthermore at the start of the magazine there is a brief summarization of what this page is about which i find very useful to readers who may not know who he is or what he is about.

In conclusion i think that this page is very useful but to younger generations like myself who may pick up this magazine for the first time if this page was displayed at the start i dont think that most younger generations would really want to read and continue reading this magazine as it may seem to packed with information for them but thats just a suggestion because some people do like reading.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Contents page Featuring Jazz Wise

The contents page for Jazz Wise is very different regarding the content as such inside of it. With most contents pages it may be displayed on a double page spread featuring a main image as such and just a load of information regarding page numbers. However what i noticed with this magazine is that there is a variation with the amount of content and also the style of the contents page. The contents page with this magazine features a main image that is placed in between both sides of the information that is present while having the main image have a form of direct address with its eye contact really making the reader have to realise what they are reading and get their attention.

The colour scheme for the content page is yellow white and black. The colour connotations for yellow are that yellow produces a warming affect, arouses people and also cheerfulness. The colour white has connotations of purity and also associated with safety. The colour black usually is the direct opposite of white but also has connotations of power safety and maturity. These colour connotations together have a mixed meaning that could be interpreted in many ways of how they were meant to be displayed towards the readers of the magazine and how they wanted to use that idea initially.

The basic theme of the magazine is Jazz and i can see how that is imposed upon the rest of the magazine, as Jazz music is known to be relaxing and laid back and also somewhat cool, seeing this i can see in the design with the magazine and also the people that are being featured they aren't necessarily making rough faces or standing in an improper pose to attract the attention of readers but everything seems to be relaxed and laid back to an extent. Other magazines tend to have multiple different colour variations with half a word being in pink and another being in bright blue to grasp the readers attention, this magazine does the complete opposite it uses bright colour but dulls them but still somewhat manages to do the same job.

However one issue with the magazine is that the initial design of the magazines text is that the text in white is very small so it is quite hard to read at times and can be seen as a problem compared to other magazines that tend to have the plain black text. This could just be the initial design for the magazine but i do believe that the initial design here could be a problem even tho it has given the magazine some advantages that i have stated, i do believe though that some parts of the design could have been altered for the benefit of the readers but i dont that they were fortunate enough for that to be accomplished.

Thursday, 5 January 2017


Today i was fortunate enough to be able to go out yet again to whsmith and reuse my discount card and purchase my second music magazine called Jazz Wise. This magazine stood out to me the moment i saw it as there was two reasons at the time. One was i think it might have been the month or the day not sure but the only magazines that they were selling at the time were all rock music magazine that i already had purchased and i did want to buy a second rock music magazine as i have/had already explored that genre.
When i saw the Jazz wise magazine there was only 4 left so i thought why not pick one up as it was the only one being displayed at the time and i thought that it was pretty cool that i was able to buy it.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Double page spread Analysis - louder than war

This is a double page spread. A double page spread is information about a certain topic that is displayed across two pages, sometimes a double page spread could be an interview with someone with an image of themselves on one page and the other page filled with writing about who they are and what they have accomplished in their lives. As you can see on the first page of the double page spread is that their is large image that takes up a portion of the space of the page and writing underneath it with a Drop capital. these pages usually display a high depth of information and on this page in the louder than war magazine it is noticeable that their is  a high level of detail at every interval of the page. However with the louder than war magazine i have noticed that there tends to be more images than on other magazine double page spreads.

The colour scheme with white red and black is present also in the magazine as it is shown across the page, reinforcing the colour connotations that i have stated before and how that can empower readers while reading the magazine. the layout of the page tends to have one image in the top left then one in the bottom right or one on the left and one on the right and vice versa, i think they chose this type of layout to compensate for younger audiences who will be reading this magazine. What i mean by this is that younger audiences tend to like when things are explained through images rather than having to constantly be reading something for about 5  minutes as it can then have the lost in thought and most likely stop reading it. This is shown as it has been researched that people do tend to have short attention spans.

Along with the images i have noticed that there are small sub headings above each paragraph. I think is a useful tool that they have used as it allows readers to understand what the next section that they are going to read is about rather than having to read into a next paragraph and only half way though only then just get the gist of what they are actually talking about. By having sub headings it catches the readers eye especially it being the colour red i find that one of the most useful tools that they have used on this page.

Along with the basic concept of the double page spread they have added a new idea to it that i noticed that other magazines dont tend to have which is them adding  review of song i believe at the top right hand corner there is a big sticker saying review. This is evidently an eye catcher to readers as it enables them to really see that there is more content on this page rather than just a simple contents page. By doing this it allows this magazine however small it may be to full with content and easy to understand and read for new comers and also older fans of the rock genre.

In Conclusion i believe that this page is quite good as it has a  lot of pro's towards it while compensating for both older and younger generations.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Contents page analysis

This  is the contents page for The history of Rock
The Contents page for the history of rock is very basic and can be seen throughout other magazines with the same layout and style. The colour scheme for the magazine is white blue and red. These colours have great colour connotations that contrast with each other with both of their positive meanings such as freedom and power and purity. These colour connotations could be relating to the individual musicians that have been featured in the magazine and how they were perceived by fans and also what they may have thought of themselves during their time. The colour that is the main focus of the page is mainly white and red. White has colour connotations of purity and also red has colour connotations of passion and also committment, knowing this i believe that these colours are trying to get the readers to really understand and see from their perspective of how these magazines have cultavated all of these previous musicans over the years and try and show dedication and honour towards them.

The word Contents is in all black and in bold which is seen as very simple and also shows how they may have wanted rock music to be back then. Not complicated but also very serious and easy to understand if you gave it some time. in different sections there are different pictures featuring different bands and also different musicians at the time.

The contents page however features very basic design techniques such as having the numbers above the text or next to it in bold and plain red which could be seen as a lack of design but i believe that this whole design concept of the contents page is to go with the flow of the initial colour scheme of the magazine and also allowing it to be very visible to readers rather than having a contents page where everything is in distort and all over the place.

The contents page features albums and also music covers of individuals that are inside the magazine which is a great choice that the producers of this magazine have made as it allows readers to get straight to the point and also pin point certain things that they would want to find by looking at the contents page. What i mean by this is that in other magazine if you wanted to look for a particular song by a particular band you would have to look at that bands name in the contents then read and skim over their entire section just to get to that particular song that you wanted, however with this method it tells you exactly what page the song is on and also additional information about the song and what band made it.

Also i think it was a great idea to add in vintage images of bands and also newspapers from that era to show the development that has occurred in their time and now and also shows a bit of respect to the previous rock stars than were alive, also allowing readers to find particular interviews that they have wanted to see over a long period of time but not being able to find it due to problems they may have encountered in real  life.

In conclusion i think that this contents page keeps the initial design concept of a contents page however adds more bonuses to it so that it is the same as a contents page but somewhat different that it is noticeably standing out compared to other contents pages which is a great factor that they have added to their work. The concept of a contents page is here along with additional factors which i think overall makes this a great contents page which is easy to navigate around.

Brand eye for the history of rock