Saturday 10 December 2016

How did I attract my audience

Attracting my audience was probably one of the most difficult things that I had to for this task as I even though I thought I was doing the right things to get attention and attract an audience is was very difficult to obtain at the start. As my target audience are teenagers which most of them are generally older than me but some are the same age I looked at my self as an individual and tried to understand what kind of things would attract me to read something. so first I tried to using catch slogans or use colourful editing. Doing this I was only able to obtain 3 potential viewers which abstained from perusing my magazine after 3 days. After doing this I realized that I needed to change my initial approach so instead the whole class used a survey to have individuals answer them and get them to try and really get into the idea that I was going to be creating a magazine. This was much useful as I learned that most of my generation don't really want to go out of the way to pursue anything unless it is important or unless it interests them. Also most of the teenagers that I know generally use social media to stay in contact with someone or people so keeping my attractions and blogs online allows them to stay in contact as its a better approach of me waiting for them to come to me and instead let me go to them.

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