Saturday 31 December 2016

Front cover analysis

Looking at the front cover its colour scheme seems to be white red and gold which has connotations of strength power determination purity faith joy and intellect, which correlates with the genre of magazine as the readers really understand and can get the idea as most musicians have a strong passion for their music and this style of genre.

The masthead The history of Rock is in two different sections, the history of which is the first part of the mast head is in a dull white which gives it the feel of it being old but also pure, which could be interpreted the real truth about the history of Rock. The second section of mast head rock is quite large and takes up a portion of the front cover. Along with that its in bright red which can also be seen as a relation to stage lights. the typography is rather broad and stands out the most rather than anything else on the mast head as it is very visible and eye catching and everything else is quite dull and smaller.

The main Image on the front cover who is partly covering the word rock who is dressed in all white can be seen to be the embodiment of Rock, as he is dressed in white it could be considered that he is pure rock and nothing else. 

Subheadings along the top right hand of the page underneath the letter K of Rock feature information on a monthly trip through music's golden years in this magazines issue 1969 allows readers to acknowledge what they are about to read and all of the contents inside of it which could be considered as vintage information. On the bottom half where it informs readers on the people who are starring in this magazine - where it says starring featuring the rolling stones and so on this tells us  about musicians and also groups who may be considered as legends and also the greatest. I have to come to this conclusion as the names of most of the people in this section are in gold and white which have connotations of treasure and pricelessness and also purity.

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