For my hip hop magazine for my main image I would like to have someone who is wearing dark clothing or multiple colours. The reason as to why is that with most hip hop or rap magazines I notice that almost always there is someone who is in complete black which could be just the way the dress but I think it could be deeper than that.
The reason that I think that is that with some people when they are wearing certain clothing they do tend to feel more relaxed or somewhat more important or higher of status because of them wearing expensive clothing as silly as it may seem. However this has become a trend and with most of the magazines there does always tend to be a dark scheme to it or a light one. So following that pattern I would like someone who is in all black to be in my magazine.
For the camera shot of my magazine I am going to have it shot in a low angle, the reason as to why is that it will make the main image look more of a powerful figure that immediately grabs your attention and demands respect in a sense. Further more I would like my image to make direct address as it would help with the main image being more status worthy and also catching the eye of viewers.
As for the place where the camera shot for my main image will be taken I would prefer it to be with him standing on a stage or a platform or if not that then with him having a purple background behind which I can either manipulate or create in real life. The reason as to why I would like to have a purple background if I couldn't have the stage platform is that purple tends to have colour connotations of aristocracy which I do believe would go well with the individual being intimidating to him appearing to be high of status.
The stage platform would be ideal as it would look like he is performing at the time which would help get across the image of him being a hip hop artist, not only that if I could also get the main image to hold a microphone would be ideal.
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